Sunday, August 21, 2011


The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. In the past couple of weeks:
- I finished up my summer quarter classes at college
- The kids and I went to Family Camp where I coordinated an evening preschool class for approx. 38 preschoolers
- We went to Silverwood with some great friends
- We went on a tour of Grand Coulee Dam
- We went to the fair
- We started to prep for back to shool

WHEW! It has been fun and amazing and crazy busy. But, sadly, tomorrow starts the beginning of back to school insanity for us. No, school doesn't start yet, not until Sept. 6th, but sports start tomorrow. Twice a day soccer practice. Woohoo!

I have a few weeks off between Summer and Fall quarter. For those few weeks I am VERY thankful. I need to get caught up on things and back on track. Sept-Dec. is going to be a rough few months on us with our schedule so I need to be as prepared as possible.

What I am doing to prepare:
- Stocking pantry
- Stocking freezer with meals (attending 2 freezer meal swaps and then some on my own)
- Decluttering and hauling off things for donation (outgrown kids clothes etc)
- Prepping for Christmas with handmade cards/gifts
- Updating family calendar and keeping it current
- Meal planning
- Budgeting
- Cleaning house from one end to the other and top to bottom
- Making sure we are all ready with school clothes/supplies/sports equipment etc.

This past week the kids and I cleaned out our garage. We hauled away a large load of things to Goodwill and I have several bags for consigment. We also need to winter prep our chicken coop as well as windows/door frames etc.

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